Amsterdamse Studenten Alpen Club » ‘Vader, zoon & de heilige WeCo’ Hemelvaart Weekend @Vogezen

Bonjour mes amis, on va aller en France! 🇫🇷🥖🍷

On Ascension Weekend (Hemelvaart) you can come and join us on a climbing trip to the Vogezen. It promises to be a great weekend, in a beautiful climbing area and hopefully with a lots of sun, baguettes, pain au chocolats, du vin rouge et des chansons françaises!

Deadline: 25 April 23:59
Departure: 8 May 18:00 (but the earlier the better, it’s a long drive!)
Return: 12 May 22:00
Sign-up: closed
Location: Vogezen
Expected number of participants: 15
Price: OZK €130 / ZK €116

You can take your OVS exam here! 

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