Climbing status (fill this in with a board member) Contact information Motivation Insurance Privacy Policy Web Site Is it correct that you do NOT have a toprope belaying certificate? * YES – I want to take the course!NO – I will talk to the board to get a different sign up link You should complete this and the next question with an ASAC board member or instructor. If you don’t have help at the moment, start looking for someone immediately! E-mail * Phone number * First name * prefix Last Name * Date of birth * Street * House number * Postal Code * City * Are you a student? * Yes No, so I can not join the ASAC (PHD doesn't count) Are you on exchange? * No Yes, for half a year Yes, for more than half a year Institution * UvA HvA VU Other Field of Study * Year * 1th 2th 3th 4th 5th 6th + Student number * Expected year of graduation * 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2Cool2leaveSkool Do you have an allergy or any other relevant medical condition? (information will be treated confidentially) Emergency contact name * Climbing is a risky sport. As a club, we would like to have contact details of someone in case an accident happens. Emergency relation with climber * Emergency contact adress (City, street, house number) * Emergency contact phone number 1 * Emergency phone number 2 IBAN * Why would you like to join the ASAC? What do you expect? * How did you find us? * next to climbing, there are a lot of other things you can learn and do via the ASAC. Which of the following would you be interested in? Slacklining Drytooling Mountaineering Tour skiing Ice climbing Adventure racing Cycling I’ll stay with climbing (for now) Which committee would you be interested in to join? * Activities Adventurerace Alps Amsterdam-Amsterdam (bike-event) ASAC open Boulder ASAC open club competitions Band BiBaBoCo borrel commissie Climbing committee Dies Education Gala Photo Site Don’t know yet I don’t want to join a committee You are not tied to anything! Maybe you will only get a message if your chosen committee is looking for members. Are you an NKBV member? If so, what is your member number? The NKBV is the Dutch Alpine club. You need the membership to be able to take their travel insurance. The ASAC mandates their members to take this insurance, if you want to join any of our outdoor climbing activities. More information can be found on the NKBV website, or ask a board member. It is your own responsibility to handle your NKBV membership Do you have the NKBV Travel Insurance? * Yes No The NKBV travel insurance is mandatory for ASAC members if you want to join for the climbing weekends Have you ever been a member of another dutch student alpine club? * Yes No If so, which one? This sign up form does not guarantee that I can be a member of ASAC. I will receive an email whether I can be ASAC member or not. OK Due to limited capacity, we unfortunately can accept only a certain amount of new members. If there are too many people wanting to become ASAC member, we decide randomly who can and who cannot. You will receive the email before the information evening next Monday (18th of September 18:30 – 21:00 at Science Park) I can be present at the mandatory info evening on Monday 18th of September 18:30 – 21:00 at Science Park * Yes No, and thus can not join the ASAC I can be present at all the IT-course dates * Yes No, and thus can not join the ASAC The IT-course will take place on Fridays 22 September, Fridays 29 September, Fridays 6 October, Fridays 13 October and Fridays 20 October from 18:00-20:00 at USC. Please note that it is mandatory to join all the course dates to get your IT-license. Without this, it is not possible to join the ASAC I will also sign an incasso form on the information night Yes I’ll allow that my phone number will be used to create a whatsapp group chat with all the retro-members. * Yes No The group chat will be used for updates on retro-activities, such as changed times or locations. All changes will also be made in the ASAC google calender. Privacy Policy * Yes, I agree No, and thus I will not join ASAC attaches great importance to the protection of your personal data. In this Privacy Policy we want to provide clear and transparent information about how we handle personal data. We make every effort to guarantee your privacy and therefore handle personal data with care. ASAC adheres to applicable laws and regulations in all cases, including the General Data Protection Regulation. This entails that we at least: 1) Process your personal data in accordance with the purpose for which it was provided, these goals and type of personal data are described in this Privacy Policy; 2) Limit the processing of your personal data to only those data that are minimally required for the purposes for which they are processed; 3) Ask for your express consent if we need it for the processing of your personal data; 4) Have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your personal data; 5) Do not transmit personal data to other parties, unless this is necessary for carrying out the purposes for which they were provided; 6) Are aware of your rights regarding your personal data, to point this out and to respect them. As ASAC we are responsible for the processing of your personal data. If, after reading our Privacy Policy, or in a more general sense, you have questions about this or want to contact us, you can do this via the contact details at the bottom of this document. *PROVISION TO THIRD PARTIES* The information that you provide to us may be provided to third parties if this is necessary for the purpose for which they were provided. We never pass on personal data to other parties with whom we have not entered into a processor agreement. With these parties (processors), we of course make the necessary arrangements to ensure the security of your personal data. Furthermore, we will not provide the information provided by you to other parties, unless this is legally required and permitted. We may send you your data to check if it is still accurate. To make sure this happens safely, you are responsible for the security of your own mail account. *RETENTION PERIOD* The ASAC does not store personal data longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was provided or required by law. *SECURITY* We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against unlawful processing. Rights concerning your data You have the right to inspect, rectify or delete the personal data we have received from you. You can also object to the processing of your personal data (or a part thereof) by us or by one of our processors. You also have the right to have the information provided by you transferred by us to yourself or by order of you directly to another party. We can ask you to identify yourself before we can respond to the aforementioned requests. If we process your personal data on the basis of an authorization given by you, you always have the right to withdraw this permission. *COMPLAINTS* If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data, we ask you to contact us directly. If we do not come together with you then we find this very annoying. You always have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority, this is the supervisory authority in the field of privacy protection. *QUESTIONS* If you have any questions or comments about our Privacy Statement, please contact us! *CONTACTINFORMATION* The Amsterdamse Studenten Alpen Club, Science Park 306, 1098 XH, Amsterdam.