Amsterdamse Studenten Alpen Club » 28-30 March: Making Career in Maizeret @Carrière de Maizeret

Carrière de Maizeret is one of Belgiums youngest climbing areas and will make its debut as an ASAC weekend destination during the first weekend of the season. I couldn’t think of any better way to kick of the climbing season then going to a new area. Grades range from 4+ to 7b so there is something to climb for every level.

Deadline: 18 March 23:59
Departure: 28 March 19:00
Return: 30 March 22:00
Sign-up: LINK
Location: Maizeret

Expected number of participants: 15
Price: OZK €65 / ZK €55

(Picture WeCo Floor working herself in a corner in Maizeret during the Intersaciale Weekend organised by NSAC in October 2023)

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