Amsterdamse Studenten Alpen Club » 1-2 juni: ‘Waar is het feestje, Freyr is het feestje’ (OVM)

1-2 juni: ‘Waar is het feestje, Freyr is het feestje’ (OVM)💃🏼

Los gezelligitos, ¿dónde está genietos?

It’s time for a nice little BIVAKantie in one of ASAC’s all time favorite climbing area’s: Freyr!!

Good tuntitled-0237.jpgo know: This weekend is mainly for people who want to get their OVM signature, so they get priority. Others, feel free to also register of course, we’ll see how many people can join! 

Deadline:  21 May 23:59
Departure: 31 May 18:00
Return: 2th of June 23:00
Sign-up: closed
Location: Freyr
Price: OZK €53 / ZK €45

With OVS, you are an independent climber (ZK) here.



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