Amsterdamse Studenten Alpen Club » ‘Rock-‘n’-roll aan de wand, zin in een croissant!’ @Monthermé / Roc la Tour


Another weekend to Franceeeeee 🇫🇷, Êtes-vous prêt pour une grande aventure?

This weekend is during Pentecost (Pinksteren) so there’ll be an extra climbing day on Monday!! And, to get you guys even more excited, we went climbing in this area last summer during the NSAC Board Weekend and liked it very much. We also stayed at a very nice camping, that I’ll book again and suuurpriseeee surprisseeeee there’s a swimmingpool on the campsite! 🐳💦 At the reception they also have a little bakery to score a fresh French Croissant or Pain au Chocolat for breakfast or to bring to the Rockssss !!!🥐🥖



Deadline: 7 May 23:59
Departure: 17 May 18:00
Return: 20 May 22:00
Sign-up: closed
Location: MontherméRoc la Tour 
Expected number of participants: 15
Price: OZK €98 / ZK €87

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