Amsterdamse Studenten Alpen Club
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Amsterdamse Studenten Alpen Club Ontdek de mooiste plekken Amsterdamse Studenten Alpen Club Ontdek de leukste mensen Amsterdamse Studenten Alpen Club Beklim de hoogste bergen Word nu lid! - Become a member!

Beleef met de ASAC een heerlijke studententijd met een van de mooiste sporten die er is: de bergsport!



Donderdag 9 september is de ALV, hij begint om 19.00 uur in het Universum in het afgescheiden deel de Komeet.

Bericht December


We know some of you were very unhappy when you heard that the ASAC OPEN had to be cancelled and while the committee was downhearted they did not give up so easily! Together with USC we have organised a competition using the Toplogger app. For the entire month of December you will be able to join a competition at USC. Just like an advent calendar USC will keep adding routes during the whole month. There will be four categories in the competition and for each category there will be prizes! Special zones will be added to each route so you can keep perfect track of your scores and your competitors. However when you don’t like competition, you will also be able to join and keep track of your own progress during the month and there might even be a chance that you win one of our special lottery prizes. For more information go to the asac site or follow one of the QR-codes on the posters at USC. You will need to subscribe to join this event. A subscription link for the event and the rules can be found at the asac website:

Berichten September


Op donderdag 3 september vanaf 18:30 vindt de ALV plaats. Deze zal deels op locatie en deels digitaal zijn. Wil je de ALV online bijwonen, dit kan via het ASAC discordkanaal. De link om hierin te komen, vind je onder Leden -> (Inschrijf)links. We hopen jullie daar te zien!


Niets van 14 maart 2025 tot 4 april 2025.
